Thursday, February 10, 2011

FIX: Unable to render embedded object: File (file-name) not found

We are using Confluence v3.3 and were noticing a strange error: Unable to render embedded object: File (file-name) not found on Wiki pages sometimes while inserting images. I tried renaming file names and it did work sometimes but it failed some other times as well  because i kept noticing such error messages on wiki pages. So, i was looking for a FIX to it.

I googled and found this where Atlassian has shared that it's a Known Issue because of a feature CamelCase Links in Confluence. So, disable this feature and it would fix the issue for you.

To disable/enable CamelCase Links feature in Confluence, you can check It helped us and i hope it would be useful for others too so, thought to share it. :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

How to move a Wiki Space from one Confluence instance to another?

I have been asked many times by my colleagues about how to move a wiki space from one Confluence instance to another. So, here are the steps to do that:

What if the versions of source and destination Confluence instances don't match?

If the versions of Confluence in both instances don't match then first step is to know the Build Number of the Confluence where you want to restore the wiki space. You should check its Build Number (based on your Confluence version) from Once you know the build number, follow below steps:
  • Unzip the exported ZIP file
  • Open file
  • Change buildNumber=XXX (where XXX is the build number for your destination confluence version)
  • Save the file
  • ZIP the files again and use this updated ZIP file to restore the wiki space. 

Atlassian doesn't guarantee about this approach but it's the ONLY solution and it has always worked for me.